
deconfinement phases begin on May 4

We told you about it a few days ago in an articleThe government has just announced the schedule for deconfliction, which should hopefully begin on May 4.

How will the decontamination phases work in Portugal?

May 4 will be the first date in Portugal's deconfinement calendar. There will no longer be a state of emergency as of this evening, and Portugal is expected to go into a state of calamity, maintaining restrictions on the movement of people, and people not in work (pensioners, students, the unemployed, etc.) will have to remain in confinement.

If the decontainment process goes smoothly and the government does not see a resurgence in Covid-19 cases, by June 1 the country will be able to reach a level of activity close to that before the virus arrived in Portugal.

The different decontamination phases in Portugal

In this first phase on May 4, only certain stores that were forced to close under the state of emergency, first promulgated on March 19 by the President of the Republic, will be able to reopen.

The following companies will be able to open their doors, but all customers must wear masks

May 4 first reopening

  • Small shops, i.e. stores up to 200 square meters;
  • Hairdressers and beauticians, as well as hair salons;
  • Bookshops;
  • Car dealership;
  • Individual sports activities are permitted (excluding sports clubs);
  • Universities can reopen, but they don't have to. According to Expresso newspaperLisbon, Porto and Coimbra can continue to organize distance learning courses and only take practical classes.

Restaurants reopen May 18

If all goes well, in the second phase on May 18, other businesses, including restaurants, will be able to reopen, as will the return of classes for high school students.

  • Commercial spaces of up to 400 square meters, although local councils will have a special prerogative giving them the power to authorize the opening of stores.
  • Cafés, patisseries and restaurants, but with conditions. According to Rádio RenascençaThe reopening of these establishments will take place at half-capacity, in order to guarantee social distance within the space.
  • Première and Terminale students will be able to resume classes
  • Crèches, although the government is continuing to help parents who decide to stay at home with their children (this assistance will continue until the end of May).

Department stores to open only on June 1

Depending on how the pandemic evolves, the third phase will see the opening of the following stores:

  • Commercial spaces over 400 square metres, including shopping centers;
  • Opening of daycare centers.

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