On August 25 of this year, the French and Portuguese finance ministers signed an amendment to their tax treaty to resolve the difficulties faced by French residents in Portugal when they receive public pay.
French nationals residing in Portugal who receive public remuneration from France will now only be taxable in France and will no longer, as in the past, have to pay tax in both countries before making a request to eliminate double taxation. This is thanks to the signing on August 25, 2016 by France and Portugal of an amendment to the tax treaty that unites the two countries, dated January 14, 1971.
The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate administrative procedures. Income will now have to be declared in France.
This amendment also brings the bilateral agreement into line with the best standards in the fight against tax evasion and fraud.
La convention comportera désormais un dispositif d’échange de renseignements remis à jour, un mécanisme nouveau d’assistance au recouvrement des créances fiscales, et une clause anti-abus conforme aux principes de l’OECD to prevent the advantages of the agreement from being diverted from their objective by arrangements whose sole purpose is to avoid taxation.
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