Categories: ConsumptionEconomy



It is estimated that between 2 and 2.5 million French people live abroad, and around 50,000 in Portugal. No matter what the reason for expatriation, whether it's to gain professional experience, fulfill a dream by changing your life, or earn a better salary. However, at the moment of change, it's hard to give up such a protective national regime as that of France.

Keep your unemployment benefits

Nombreux sont ses qui quitte la France avec une promesse d’embauche dans leur nouveau pays d’expatriation. Cependant pour certain ce n’est pas le cas.

The people who choose to settle in a State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland are protected since they benefit from a continuity of their unemployment insurance rights. Working people who have already started their career should apply to Pôle emploi the " document U1 "before their departure. This form summarizes the situation and enables the employee to claim unemployment rights already acquired in the host country.

It is also possible to transfer benefits received in France. To do this, you need to notify the Pôle emploi of your intention to leave, so that they can give you the " document U2 "This is required to register with the employment services in the destination country, within seven days of arrival. This will enable you to receive your benefits for up to three months.

Social Security

Le point noir de l’expatriation, est la couverture santé. Cependant vous avez la possibilité de conserver vos droit à la Sécurité sociale. A condition d’adhérer à la Caisse des Français de l'étranger (CFE). In this way, workers benefit from the same Social Security reimbursements as if they were resident in France, and contribute to their pension rights, without which they will be penalized.

To benefit from immediate protection abroad, you need to join the CFE within three months of your departure. For a single person under the age of 30, for example, the cost is 30 euros a month, compared with 145 euros for a couple aged between 30 and 34.

Afin d’avoir une couverture optimale, mieux vaut cependant aussi souscrire une complémentaire santé. Mais attention, certaines limitent la prise en charge au pays de résidence à l’étranger, en excluant les soins reçus en voyage dans un autre État. Pour éviter cet écueil et faciliter la gestion, la CFE propose donc des « packs » communs avec plusieurs assureurs privés.


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