Categories: EconomyTaxation


France, Portugal, Morocco which country to retire in

Climate, cost of living, public health system... Based on multiple criteria, the US News website has established which is the best country in the world for you, dear retirees.

US News publishes an annual ranking of the world's top countries, based primarily on economic criteria. Switzerland remains the leading destination for wealthy retirees, unlike France, which fell two places, from 10th to 12th place.

The ranking is based on the following criteria

US News uses a set of statistics to establish rankings based on a wide range of issues:

  • the best country in the world in which to raise a child,
  • the best country in the world in which to start a business,
  • the best country in the world for ecological living
  • ...

Which country to retire in

Our team found it interesting to focus on a single classification of the best country for retirement livingThis is our core business. The first is that France has dropped two places, which is hardly surprising given the various social conflicts that have been going on for the past year. Then there's Morocco, which is only in 17th place - surprising, given that Morocco has been the country of French retirees for many years.

US News based its rankings on the following criteria:

  • quality of life,
  • the mild climate,
  • the efficiency of the public health system,
  • the cost of living,
  • property rights,
  • tax level
  • ...

The site rated all criteria from 0 to 10. For example, France scored 0.5 out of 10 for the level of taxation. The American site believes that taxes are too high in France, and that this is of course a black mark against retirees. By way of comparison, Portugal scored 1.1 out of 10 on this same criterion. It could even be 10 out of 10 if we focused solely on RNH status for foreign retirees.


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