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Portugal continues its drive to bring immigrants home. The government has just announced its intention to offer 6.500 euros to emigrants who decide to come and work in Portugal.

Since the beginning of the year, the Portuguese government has been aiming to bring back all those who left during and after the crisis and have not yet returned to Portugal. Where birth rate is very low and keeping the population above 10 million is becoming difficult.

In July of this year, the Programa Regressar will come into effect. This program is intended for Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking people.

The programa regressar is a shock measure to encourage the return of Portuguese emigrants. However, certain conditions must be met in order to qualify for this program. In particular, the fact that this aid is reserved for people who return work as a salaried employee.

The conditions of the Programa Regressar

This is an active employment policy designed to support work contracts, not to help people come to Portugal to look for work. Miguel Cabrita, Secretary of State for Employment, told the Publico newspaper.

The program is reserved for Portuguese emigrants who left before December 31, 2015, who have lived abroad for at least 12 months and who start working in Portugal between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020.

António Costa, estimates that around 1,500 people will benefit from the 10 million euros made available by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training.

Enpreender2020, entrepreneurs are not forgotten

Empreender2020launched by the Portuguese Employers' Association (AEP) and joined by the government in 2017. Offers consular support to locate potentially interested parties.

Enpreender2020 provides a meeting point between young people and companies wishing to hire them, through the intermediary of a "job fair". specialized Internet portal. This platform also offers assistance for people who want to create their own business in Portugal. Whether in the field of finance or consulting.

6500,00€ aid per family

As part of the programa regressar, the government has decided to offer a settlement bonus for Portuguese or Portuguese descendants returning to Portugal.

The aim is to provide financial support directly to migrants who return and start working in Portugal. 

The bonus will be distributed as follows:

  • An indemnity of 2,614.56 euros will be paid directly to the migrant.
  • A family travel allowance of up to 1,307 euros.
  • The cost of transporting goods can be as high as 871.52 euros.
  • Upgrading of qualifications and recognition of academic diplomas up to 435.76 euros.

All in all, the Portuguese immigrants or descendants returning to Portugal can receive up to 6,500 euros.

As nothing in life is free, there are certain obligations that must be met in order to receive this aid. The Portuguese government will be entitled to demand repayment of part of this aid if you fail to meet certain obligations:

  • If you terminate your employment contract before 12 months from the date of signature of the employment contract.
  • If you are dismissed for gross misconduct.

The government sets up a line of credit

On Thursday, the Council of Ministers approved the creation of a "specific credit line" for Portuguese emigrants wishing to do business in Portugal. Via the programma regressar, announced Foreign Affairs Minister Augusto Santos Silva.

To date, no information has been communicated on the amount allocated or the conditions for obtaining this "line of credit".

Strong demographic decline in Portugal

The programa regressar and Enpreender2020, were created after the Prime Minister's government recognized that Portugal was experiencing its greatest demographic decline in its history.

The low birth rate, with about 1.3 children per woman of childbearing age, and the increase in life expectancy. Which now exceeds 80 years are the main causes of the aging of the Portuguese population. Not to mention the brain drain during the crisis, poses problems on the state budget especially for the payment of pensions.

It is estimated that 23 % Portuguese municipalities have more pensioners than active workers registered with the social security system. With the new program. Including a 50 % reduction in the IRS and financial assistance of up to 6,500 euros. The Portuguese government hopes to bring back emigrants and integrate them on a long-term basis.

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