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price rises, portugal

2025: Price rises in Portugal

The year 2025 begins with increases in several key sectors in Portugal, marking a continuation of the cost-of-living rises seen in 2024.

portuguese smic, salary

Raising Portugal's minimum wage

The Portuguese government recently announced an increase in the national minimum wage (SMN) to 870 euros gross per month over 14 months.

Setting up your business in the UK

Are you thinking of diversifying or expanding your business internationally? After exploring the advantages of setting up a company in Portugal, discover why England could also be a strategic choice for your business. We offer a comprehensive service to help you set up your company in the UK, a dynamic and attractive market.

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Your company in Portugal in just 3 weeks

  • Direct debit 
  • Intercommunity VAT
  • Bank 


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Your company in Portugal in just 3 weeks

  • Direct debit 
  • Intercommunity VAT
  • Bank 


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