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Certificat d’existence électronique

We told you about it several months ago. The portal public lance "My retirement abroad". This online service enables you to receive and return your certificate of existence directly via the Internet.

Certificate of existence

As you know, when you retire abroad and receive a retirement pension from a French source, you are legally obliged to submit an annual certificate of existence to your pension fund. At present, this document is sent to you by post. You must then have it validated by a competent authority (police station, town hall, embassy, etc.) and then return it.

Of course, this procedure must be repeated depending on the number of pension funds to which you belong.

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Why the certificate of existence is mandatory

Quand vous êtes un retraité expatrié, il est primordial de pouvoir prouvé à vos/votre caisse de retraite que vous êtes toujours en droit de percevoir votre pension. Si vous ne le faites pas dans les trois mois après l’envoi de votre certificat, votre pension est suspendue. Le faite de pouvoir effectuer cette démarche de façon dématérialisée vous permettra d’avoir un échange plus sécurisé et rapide et d’ôter tout doute concernant l’envoi et la bonne réception du courrier par votre/vos caisses de retraite.

How to send your certificate of existence

To make your declaration online, simply go to your retirement account on (in your personal space) when you renew your certificate. You'll find a document pre-filled with your Insee number, surname and first name. If you are affiliated to several schemes, it's important to take the time to check that all your schemes are listed.

Si au moment où vous vous connectez, le document n’est pas disponible au téléchargement, vous aurez la possibilité de programmer une alerte. Bien entendu la procédure par courrier reste d’actualité, même si elle est plus contraignante.

One step remains mandatory

Unfortunately, no procedure can or will ever be dematerialized. We are referring, of course, to validation of the document by the relevant authorities. This is essential to prove that you are still alive. You only need to validate the certificate of existence once, as all your pension funds will be identified on the certificate.

Once the document has been signed by the relevant authorities, all you have to do is scan it and send it back via the online service.

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