2025: Price rises in Portugal
The year 2025 begins with increases in several key sectors in Portugal, marking a continuation of the cost-of-living rises seen in 2024.
The year 2025 begins with increases in several key sectors in Portugal, marking a continuation of the cost-of-living rises seen in 2024.
The Portuguese government recently announced an increase in the national minimum wage (SMN) to 870 euros gross per month over 14 months.
Find out how the Portuguese tax system impacts businesses, with details of taxation, economic incentives and tax obligations in Portugal.
On September 20, 2024, the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority unveiled its business plan for 2024, highlighting one key objective
tax issues linked to international double taxation are becoming increasingly important for investors and companies operating on a global scale.
Every year, the government presents its Finance Bill for the coming year to the House of Representatives. In Portugal, the debate and vote take place around October 30 and 31.
The 2023 State Finance Act (OE 2023) has modified the assumptions for granting the ITM exemption on the acquisition of goods for resale.
The criteria for determining tax residency are of crucial importance in the field of international taxation.
The Portuguese government has published a proposal for measures to modify the legal regimes for local housing and property rental
The monthly payments of the real estate loans in Portugal will jump again not to say exploded on the contracts which will be revised next month, with increases ranging between 65 euros and 300 euros.
Through this account, we cover all categories, be it cryptocurrency, household income, social security, corporate, IVA, real estate, etc.
The European Commission's decision on the aid scheme granted to companies in the Madeira free zone - scheme III, which considers that the aid was granted illegally
Portugal recorded, in the third quarter of 2021, a public debt ratio of 130.5 % of gross domestic product (GDP). This makes Portugal the third country with the highest debt in the European Union.
Portugal set a target on Tuesday of achieving a budget surplus in 2020 for the first time in 45 years of democracy, thanks to solid economic growth.
Mistakes to avoid as an auto-entrepreneur in Portugal
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