The National Assembly adopted on Friday, December 14, an amendment that aims to limit the impact of the income tax increase for French citizens living outside France.
The National Assembly adopted on Friday, December 14, an amendment that aims to limit the impact of the income tax increase for French citizens living outside France.
Towards a simplification of the tax system for French people abroad
This term has a broader meaning than the idea of "center of economic interests" under French law.
The Prime Minister announced yesterday that Portugal will pay the entire debt to the IMF until the end of the year.
Moody's rating agency estimates that property prices in Portugal should increase from 7% to 8% by 2020.
Non-residents, i.e., French citizens and foreigners domiciled outside France for tax purposes and having income from French sources, are subject to special taxation.
Employment reforms have resulted in a stronger labor market.
Portugal has recognized the tax status of non-habitual resident, which allows to benefit from a special tax rate for certain income.
As part of the examination of the 2019 draft budget. The National Assembly adopted some of the measures in a report by Anne Genetet on the international mobility of the French.
Everyone in Europe has their eyes on Italy's budget, which seems unacceptable to Europe. But this week, much more discreetly, Portugal has released its 2019 budget.
Until today, the exit tax imposed a lock on entrepreneurs who exiled themselves to another country.
Portugal's socialist government pledged on Tuesday to achieve the lowest budget deficit in its history in 2019
You are currently living abroad and would like to transfer funds from France to the country you are currently in?
More and more foreign pensioners are living in Portugal since 2014. Why have these European pensioners moved there en masse? Why might this exodus soon stop?
In Portugal, the "non-habitual residents" - 23,767 this year - are mainly French, British and Italian. Living conditions and tax benefits
The LREM deputy, Sacha Houlié, denounces an inequality of treatment between retirees living in France and those living abroad who have been exempted from the CSG increase...
Lisbon and Porto residents are rightly protesting en masse against Airbnb and rising rents and house prices.
French citizens abroad are currently excluded from most of the tax deductions available to all taxpayers residing in France.
The LREM deputy Anne Genetet proposes to give them the benefit of this and to remove certain mandatory levies.
Far from Brussels dogma and French fiscal policy, Portugal's success is based on boosting investment and lowering taxes.
It is possible to receive your retirement pension even if you no longer live in France. However, it is important to choose the country of exile carefully in order to avoid double taxation.
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