Extraordinary contribution on local accommodation
Law no. 56/2023 of October 6 instituted the Extraordinary Contribution on Local Accommodation, regulated by decree no. 455-E/2023 of December 29, as part of the "Mais-Habitação" program.
Law no. 56/2023 of October 6 instituted the Extraordinary Contribution on Local Accommodation, regulated by decree no. 455-E/2023 of December 29, as part of the "Mais-Habitação" program.
Every year, the government presents its Finance Bill for the coming year to the House of Representatives. In Portugal, the debate and vote take place around October 30 and 31.
In 2022, changes were made to labor legislation as part of the "Agenda du Travail", which came into force on May 1, 2022, bringing new features for teleworking.
The 2023 State Finance Act (OE 2023) has modified the assumptions for granting the ITM exemption on the acquisition of goods for resale.
The Portuguese government has published a proposal for measures to modify the legal regimes for local housing and property rental
The Order of Notaries in Portugal has announced that it will publish an internal regulation to regulate real estate acquisitions made with crypto-currencies, in cases where their conversion into legal tender does not take place.
With the state budget for 2023, the government intends to move forward with a framework for taxing income from crypto assets,
On January 24, 2023, was published the notice of the Bank of Portugal, which regulates virtual assets in the context of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Through this account, we cover all categories, be it cryptocurrency, household income, social security, corporate, IVA, real estate, etc.
The amendments included in the State Budget Bill 2023 aim to close the legal gap in the scope of taxation of cryptocurrencies in Portugal, promoting a new tax framework, particularly in terms of the IRS.
As you know, currently, Portugal does not have a specific tax regime regarding income from investments in digital tokens (crypto-currencies, NFTs, etc.)
The European Commission's decision on the aid scheme granted to companies in the Madeira free zone - scheme III, which considers that the aid was granted illegally
The recent Decree-Law no. 46/2022 has modified and simplified the right to drive motor vehicles for holders of driving licenses issued by the Member States of the European Community.
Last week the Portuguese Minister of Finance, Mr. Medina, announced during the debate related to the draft state budget for 2022 (OE2022), that he promises to make changes to the taxation of cryptocurrency
According to article 111 of the Portuguese Labor Code, the trial period corresponds to the initial time of execution of the employment contract, during which the parties assess the interest of its continuation.
The law is less demanding when the employment contract is terminated by the employee in Portugal, but obliges him to respect certain points.
As a general rule, requests to transfer school records to Portugal can only be made after September 12. Initially, the request must be made electronically, on the portal... Read More "Transfer of school records in Portugal, how it works
School insurance in Portugal is free of charge for all students who attend the compulsory school system. In the event of a school accident, it offers protection and support in addition to that provided by the national system... Read More "School insurance in Portugal
The new price lists of medical consultations change in Portugal (conventional regime ADSE), which define the price to be paid by the health subsystem and beneficiaries to conventional providers come into force today.
On July 22, 2021, the Council of Ministers approved a diploma that establishes the legal regime applicable to the realization, by videoconference, of authentic acts, terms of authentication of private acts and recognitions ("Diploma").
The development of technologies and social networks in a modern world has given rise to new business models, which escape clear and direct tax regulation. We refer to influencers.
IF starting a business in Portugal or in any other country is a relatively easy decision to make. Closing a business in Portugal is a difficult decision and requires the completion of a few steps.
A few months ago, we explained how to get a social security number in Portugal. Today we are going to explain you how to get a user number in SNS.
If you sold a home in 2020, you will need to report it to the IRS so that the tax authorities can determine if your [capital gain is taxable].
More and more of you are interested in the taxation of cryptocurrency in Portugal. Portugal, which has been experiencing a boom in tourism for years, but also of foreign people coming to settle there fiscally to benefit from the status of non-habitual resident (RNH).
The IRS declaration for people receiving income on Portuguese soil is coming. For this purpose you have until February 25 to validate your invoices in order to benefit from the related tax advantages.
You are about to start your new activity as an auto-entrepreneur in Portugal, however, before you can invoice your clients, there is a mandatory step that must be done in order to be in compliance with the law and the financial services.
One of the priorities when you settle in Portugal for tax purposes is to register with the Portuguese social security system. This operation must be carried out whether you are retired or active.
International double taxation is one of the main obstacles to cross-border trade and investment and to the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the European Union.
As an EU national who settles in Portugal for tax purposes, you must register your car in Portugal as long as you are the holder of the registration certificate, the owner of the vehicle or the user of a vehicle that you do not own (for example, a family member)
In these very difficult times, for employees and entrepreneurs. The Portuguese government has put in place several measures to help everyone. Through this article, we will explain how to... Read More "HOW TO APPLY FOR AN IHRU LOAN
You have just completed the declaration of activity. Now it's time to bill for your hours. Issuing green receipts is relatively easy, even if you don't speak fluent Portuguese.
When you take the different steps to settle in Portugal, you must go to many state agencies. For example social security, taxes, etc. In the past, you had to provide many copies of your various documents, fortunately things have changed.
The first thing to do when you set up your main residence and therefore your tax residence in Portugal is to register with the Portuguese health service. If you are employed by a local company, you do not need to worry about this, your employer will take care of registering you with the social security. However, for your children and your spouse, you will have to do it yourself.
An employment contract is a type of contract in which one person undertakes to do work for another in return for remuneration. Depending on the legal system, the notion of contract does not cover exactly the same things.
The list of "high added value" professions that give access to the RNH status in Portugal has changed. Professions such as psychologists, architects, designers or archaeologists are no longer included in the list of activities that qualify for NHR status.
Alojamento local in Portugal has more than quadrupled in the last three years, from about 13,000 registered establishments in 2014 to more than 55,000 accommodations currently reported throughout the country.
For several months now, we have been receiving numerous questions related to non-habitual resident status and particularly concerning double taxation.
We decided to create a FAQ with the 21 most relevant questions
You live abroad? Do you have some assets? Or perhaps you have children? Refresh your knowledge of inheritance.
The Conseil d'Etat has just confirmed once again the exemption of non-residents from social security contributions, thus putting an end to a tax and social security dispute.
BUYING IN PORTUGAL IN 2019 MISTAKES TO AVOID You are planning to make your first real estate purchase in Portugal. Whether it is for a main residence in view of an expatriation project or for a... Read More "BUY IN PORTUGAL MISTAKES TO AVOID
Since the broadcasting in several countries of television reports on the advantages of the RNH. Foreign real estate investment in Portugal is increasing. But investing in Portugal also implies questions about donation and succession.
The IFI, now focused on real estate assets only, has replaced the traditional ISF. This evolution has consequences for expatriates, as well as for impatriates recently returned to France.
What is the taxation of real estate capital gains in Portugal? In this article we will explain how the capital gains tax is calculated for a tax resident and a non-resident
Retired expat health coverage rules change July 1, 2019
It is now mandatory to file your French income tax return online.
French citizens abroad are not eligible for the progressive exemption from the housing tax.
This term has a broader meaning than the idea of "center of economic interests" under French law.
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